There are two ways to create a launcher for an app in Ubuntu, on the desktop and in the Apps. I prefer to enter the launcher in the Apps, as it can be easily placed i Favourites and appear in the Dash/Dock. I have included both ways in this post, you can choose one or both. Note that you have to adjust the path so it reflects your paths. I have pointed this out in the post below.

Icon on the desktop

Install the Gnome extension for the desktop icons
Press ctrl-alt-t to start the Terminal
In the Terminal window run the following command:
sudo apt install gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons-ng
Exit Terminal
Reboot the computer

Create a desktop file in a text editor, name the file pcgeos.desktop
Copy the content below to the text file and save it to the Desktop folder, remember to adjust the path with the path to your personal folder:

[Desktop Entry]

Note: your_name is the name of your personal folder in Ubuntu

Make pcgeos.desktop executable
Press ctrl-alt-t to start the Terminal
Change directory to the Desktop folder:
cd Desktop
Make pcgeos.desktop executable:
sudo chmod +x pcgeos.desktop
exit Terminal
Log out and log in again.

You should now see the icon on the Desktop
Right-click the icon an in the drop down menu choose “Allow launching”
You might think that the icon does not look good, feel free to replace it.

You should now be able to run Basebox with PC/Geos from the desktop by clicking the icon.
Hint, press Alt+Enter to run it in full screen

Icon in the Apps

Create a desktop file in a text editor, name the file pcgeos.desktop
Copy the content below to the text file and save it to the Home/.local/share/applications folder, remember to adjust the path to your personal folder:

[Desktop Entry]

Note: your_name is the name of your personal folder in Ubuntu

Make pcgeos.desktop executable
Press ctrl-alt-t to start the Terminal
Change directory to the home/your_name/.local/share/applications folder:
cd /home/your_name/.local/share/applications
Make pcgeos.desktop executable:
sudo chmod +x pcgeos.desktop
exit Terminal
Log out and log in again.

Note: your_name is the name of your personal folder in Ubuntu

Now you should have an icon for the pcgeos in the Apps, if it does not appear, reboot your computer
If you want to place the icon in the dash/dock, right-click and add it to your Favourites
Hint: Press Alt+Enter to run PC/Geos in full screen mode

How to create a launcher for pcgeos and Basebox in Ubuntu 22.04.3

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