Create a folder called drive_c in the binl64 folder (/home/pcgeos-basebox/binl64)

Change the user rights in the drive_c folder to “everyone full control”
Open the Terminal (Ctrl-Alt-T)
sudo chmod 777 /home/your_name/pcgeos-basebox/binl64/drive_c

Note: your_name  is the name of your user folder in Ubuntu. Replace your_name with the name of you user folder. This will repeat below in the path given.

Download pcgeos from

Unzip to /home/pcgeos-basebox/binl64/drive_c

To mount the drive_c folder to Basebox:
Open by double-clicking the dosbox-staging.conf in home/.config/dosbox
If you can not find the .config folder it is probably hidden
To make it visible, open Files, check “Show hidden files” in the Files menu

In the [autoexec] section
Add the line: mount c: /home/your_name/pcgeos-basebox/binl64/drive_c

Add also these lines, after the mount command:
cd ensemble

Save and exit dosbox-staging.conf

Start pcgeos Ensemble in Basebox
cd pcgeos-basebox
cd binl64

If you have added all the lines to the [autoexec] section, Ensemble should now start in Basebox.

Note: PCGeos Ensemble is frequently updated in Github, you may download and unzip every new version, but keep in mind to rename the already installed Ensemble, before you unzip the newly downloaded version to the drive_c folder..

How to install and use pcgeos Ensemble in Basebox

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