PC/Geos Ensemble, formerly known as Geoworks Ensemble, NewDeal Office and Breadbox Ensemble is now open source and available for free download at the link further down on this page.
Here you will find the English version (pcgeos-ensemble_nc.zip), the German version (pcgeos-ensemble_german.zip), the SDK (pcgeos-sdk.zip) and the Source code in two different formats (zip and tar.gz) among other downloads.
If you are a previous user of Geoworks Ensemble, NewDeal Office or Breadbox Ensemble, feel free to try it out. Please, note that the zip file does not contain an installer, after unzipping the zip file, a full fledge Ensemble folder will occur. If you have a previous installation of Geoworks Ensemble, NewDeal Office or Breadbox Ensemble be careful, so the installation will not be overwritten by PC/Geos Ensemble. The number of fonts are also restricted due to copyright reasons.
PC/Geos Ensemble can be run in DOSBox, and if you still have access to a PC with DOS nowadays, it can be run on it, too. We are currently also developing a special emulator adapted for PC/Geos Ensemble called Basebox, based on DOSBox-Staging. There is an article about how to install Basebox in Ubuntu here at this blog. Basebox are also available for Windows, among other operating systems. Please, see separate article about Basebox here at the Bluewaysw blog.
Keep in mind that PC/Geos Ensemble are pre-releases and used at your own risk, and are subject to frequent updates, bug fixes and changes. Check the downloads for the latest version.
Here is the link to the downloads: https://github.com/bluewaysw/pcgeos/releases/tag/CI-latest
Here you find more information about the source, how to build the SDK and information how to build apps for PC/Geos. Link: https://github.com/bluewaysw/pcgeos